
North Carolina Opportunity Scholarship GrantsParents whose children are recipients of the North Carolina Opportunity Scholarship Grants should be prepared to pay the registration fee.

Payment Plans

Annual: Full payment made to St Ann School on or before June 1.
Bi-Annual: Two equal payments made to St Ann School on or before June 1 and December 1.
Monthly: FACTS Tuition Management-You have the capability to set up your account for twelve (12) monthly payments starting in June through May using FACTS Tuition Management. Apply through There is a $50 application fee for enrollment. 

Tuition Assistance

FACTS Grant and Aid Application: Any parents unable to meet these payments and who desire a Catholic education for their children may fill out the Grant and Aid Application at Neither the Pastor nor the Principal want to turn anyone away from Saint Ann Catholic School if they meet the requirements. Please note that priority for tuition assistance is given to active members of St. Ann Catholic Church. Application for assistance must be made prior to March 1st before the academic year of enrollment. A $40 application fee is required. 

AAMEN & God's Work Our Challenge Awards: These funds are awarded through the Diocese of Raleigh. To be considered for either of these awards, you MUST complete the application by the March 15, 2025, deadline. 

Misc. Information

Families who apply for admission after the school year begins will be assessed tuition fees on a pro-rated basis. 

All families are expected to volunteer at least 10 hours per year. If a family opts not to fulfill this requirement, a fee of $100 will be assessed. (Pandemic protocols may affect this requirement). 


Should a family find it necessary to withdraw from St. Ann Catholic School prior to the end of the academic year, one month's tuition will be assessed. This requirement will be waived if written proof is provided that the withdrawal is the result of a geographical move caused by employment transfer. 

For more information regarding the Opportunity Scholarship, please visit or call 1-855-330-3955.


We are able to accept credit/debit cards for all tuition and fees. We accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover.

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year starts Monday, January 6th!

Tuition Rate: Kindergarten-8th Grade

Tuition & Fees 2025-2026

Tuition Rate: Pre-K

  per child
You Pay $5,850
Monthly (June-May) 12 months $487.50


Registration Fee

$150 per family

Instructional Fee


Technology Fee 

$200 per child (Grades PreK-8th)- Due May 1 (may be paid during registration)


$50 (Grades PreK-8th) Due May 1 (May be paid during registration)

Our primary goal is to offer a quality Catholic education at an affordable rate. The cost of education, however, is affected by the rising cost of textbooks, supplies, utilities, etc. Everything is affected by the number of students we enroll. The charts below list your tuition fee based on your church affiliation and the number of children from your family enrolled at St. Ann


  per child
You Pay $6,850
Monthly (June-May) 12 months $570.83


Tuition Agreement form available here.

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