Extracurricular Activities

Altar Servers:
Grades 3-8 Students are trained to be Altar Servers at Mass. Organized by Mr. Bishop.
Band: Grades 4-8
Organized by Mrs Carter. Fees are paid directly to the band teacher. Band meets weekly.
Battle of the Books: Grades 4-5
Students who meet eligibility requirements will be able to participate on the team in order to prepare for the annual competition. Mrs. Panter is the coach.
Chorus: Grades 4-8
Organized by Mrs Carter. Meets weekly during school. Performs for school and community functions.
Mass Choir: Grades 4-8
Students are trained to lead the singing at Mass. Organized by Ms. Kelly
National Junior Beta Club: Grades 6-8
Fosters the qualities of responsibility, leadership and respect by allowing the students to have a voice in school matters and initiate school projects. Mrs. Rodriguez is the faculty advisor.
Spelling Bee: Grades 4-8: Held every year around December.