Application Checklist (to be completed during the online enrollment):
- Completed Application
- Registration Fee (due March 1, 2025)
- Instructional Fee (due May 1, 2025) or at time of registration.
- Technology Fee (due May 1, 2025) or at time of registration.
- Immunization Record: State Law requires the following minimum doses: 5 Dtap/DT, 4 Oral Polio, 4 Pneumococcal Conjugate, 3-4 HIB, 3 Hep B, 2 Varicella, and 2 MMR
- Health Record signed by qualified physician (Pre-K, and Kindergarten only)
- Birth Certificate
- Baptismal Certificate
- Signed Tuition Agreement
- Current Report Card and any other reports from the prior school
- Standardized Test Scores (if applicable)
- Interview with the Principal
*** Upon approval by the principal and payment of all necessary tuition and fees, a student may be enrolled at St. Ann School. Please note that full admission is not granted to any student until the successful completion of a 60 day probationary period.***